

起舞中文 >> 邓小平时代 >> 第11章 向美国开放,1978—1979

第11章 向美国开放,1978—1979 2/20

万斯预计中方会感到失望,却没料到他们会如此愤怒。次日上午万斯再次见到黄华时,黄华长篇大论地痛斥万斯关于美国在台湾保留某种官方代表的提议,甚至说要“解放台湾”,这是在暗示大陆在必要时准备动武。 注释 Memcon, Secretary Vance’smeeting with Huang Hua, 8/24/77, vertical file, China, Jimmy Carter Library. 关于引导谈判和完成关系正常化谈判的协商的不同记述,见Cyrus Vance, Hard Choices:Critical Years in America’s Foreign Policy (New York:Simon and Schuster, 1983), pp. 75–83; Jimmy Carter, Keeping Faith:Memoirs of a President (Fayetteville:University of Arkansas Press, 1995), pp. 190–197; Zbigniew Brzezinski, Power and Principle:Memoirs of the National Security Advisor, 1977–1981 (New York:Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1983); Robert S. Ross, Negotiating Cooperation:The United States and China, 1969–1989 (Stanford, Calif.:Stanford University Press, 1995); Patrick C. Tyler, A Great Wall:Six Presidents and China:An Investigative History (New York:Public Affairs, 1997); Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Richard N. Gardner,“Being There,”Foreign Affairs 78, no. 6 (November–December 1999):164–167; Brent Scowcroft and Patrick Tyler,“Safe Keeping,”Foreign Affairs 79, no. 1 (January–February 2000):192–194; James Mann, About Face:A History of America’s Curious Relationship with China from Nixon to Clinton (New York:Alfred Knopf, 1999); Richard H. Solomon, U.S.–PRC Political Negotiations, 1967– 1984:An Annotated Chronology (Santa Monica, Calif.:Rand, 1985) ,此文献原来保密,后被解密; Richard H. Solomon, Chinese Negotiating Behavior:Pursuing Interests through “Old Friends” (Washington, D. C.:United States Institute of Peace Press, 1999); Nicholas Platt, China Boys:How U.S. Relations with the PRC Began and Grew (Washington, D. C.:New Academia, 2009); Jeffrey T. Richelson, project director, China and the United States:From Hostility to Engagement, 1960–1998 (Alexandria, Va.:Chadwyck-Healey, 1999). 有关台湾问题的记述,见Nancy Bernkopf Tucker, Strait Talk:United States–Taiwan Relations and the Crisis with China (Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 2009) 及Allen D. Romberg, Rein in at the Brink of the Precipice:American Policy toward Taiwan and U. S.–PRC Relations (Washington, D. C.:Henry L. Stimson Center, 2003). 在撰写本章内容时,我曾与一些官员交谈,如卡特总统、蒙代尔、布热津斯基、罗伊(Stapleton Roy) 、查斯· 弗里曼(Chas Freeman) 、 理查· 索罗门(Richard Solomon) 、温· 劳德(Win Lord) 、米歇尔· 奥克森伯格(Michel Oksenberg) 和尼古拉斯· 普拉特(Nicholas Platt) 。我也与中国外交官员黄华以及中国译员冀朝铸、唐闻生、章含之和施燕华交谈。此外,我还利用了“卡特政府对华政策口述史项目” (Carter Administration China Policy Oral History Project, LWMOT) ,该项目是由奥克森伯格和伍德科克离任后,为记录他们所参与的中美关系正常化过程这段历史,从1981 年秋天到1982 年夏天进行的39 次交谈的录音。这些交谈的录音现藏于韦恩州立大学(Wayne State University) 图书馆,一部分属于伍德科克本人的私人文件,他的遗孀莎朗· 伍德科克(Sharon Woodcock) 慷慨地为我提供了阅读它们的机会。


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